Group Campus Visit Request Form
Thank you for your interest in a group campus visit at Columbia College in Columbia, Missouri! Please provide your request details below. We ask that you provide at least 1 chaperone per 15 students.
Upon form submission, a Columbia College Admissions representative will be in contact with you to confirm your visit. Please contact
with any questions.
School/Group Name
Number of students coming on tour
What age range are your students?
Middle School
High School
Post-High School
Number of chaperones
Teacher/Coordinator Contact Information
Phone number
Email address
Would you like to include lunch in the student dining hall as part of your time on campus?
Lunch is 40 minutes, all-you-can-eat, cost paid by visiting school unless special arrangements are made. Current rate is $5.56 pretax per meal. Note: The dining hall is
for groups from May – August.
Tour times
Ideal arrival time
Ideal departure time
Please provide 3 potential date options
Special accommodations needed?
Additional comments
Contact Information